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Javascript - 5 Minute test

This is the 5 minute test for the Javascript (client) SDK.

This will run you through trialling out the basics.

Once you have tried this head to the quick start to implement it in your own project.

If you haven't signed up yet - go and get an account now here

1. Go to the JsBin Example

Open the JSBin example - Featureflow JSBin five minute example

2. Edit the ES6/Babel file

In the ES6/Babel tab, set FF_KEY to your 'JS Client Environment Api Key' - this can be found under the 'Api Keys' link at the top of the features list in featureflow.

const FF_KEY = '<environment key goes here>';

You can find the key on the settings panel of your environment page - it begins with 'js-env-'


3. Test

  1. Click Run with JS in the top right corner
  2. Open your featureflow account in a separate tab
  3. Toggle the control in the environment features list
  4. Note the output, refresh the page and note the output

Congratulations! It's as simple as that. Now go forth and let this be the beginning of your continuous deployment dream!

Check the user guide for far more usages.

See More

We have a complete example in codepen here add your JS SDK Key and have a play.